
Changing Your Air Filter

The frequency with which you should clean your ductwork depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances of your home and HVAC system. In general, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, but here are some guidelines:

  1. Inspection: Regularly inspect your ductwork for signs of dust, mold, or debris. If you see substantial buildup, it may be time to consider cleaning.
  2. Visible Contamination: If you notice visible mold growth inside the ducts or on other components of your HVAC system, immediate action is recommended. Mold can have adverse health effects, and it’s important to address it promptly.
  3. Renovation or Construction: If your home has undergone significant renovations or construction work, there may be an increased accumulation of dust, debris, or construction materials in the ductwork. In such cases, it’s a good idea to have the ducts cleaned after the work is completed.
  4. Allergies or Respiratory Issues: If you or your family members suffer from allergies or respiratory issues and you suspect that the indoor air quality may be a contributing factor, consider having the ducts inspected and cleaned if necessary.
  5. Pest Infestations: If you’ve had issues with pests or rodents in your home, there is a possibility that they may have left behind contaminants in the ducts. In such cases, cleaning may be advisable.
  6. Every 3 to 5 Years: As a general guideline, some HVAC professionals recommend having your ductwork inspected and potentially cleaned every 3 to 5 years, even in the absence of specific issues. This can help prevent the buildup of dust and debris over time.