
Replacing your HVAC filters

Replacing your HVAC filters is an important maintenance task that can help keep your system running efficiently and improve the air quality in your home. However, many homeowners may not know how often they should replace their filters. In this blog post, we will discuss how often you should replace your HVAC filters and why it is important.

The general rule of thumb for replacing HVAC filters is every 1-3 months, depending on usage. However, several factors can affect how often you should replace your filters, including:

  1. Type of filter

There are several types of HVAC filters available, ranging from basic fiberglass filters to high-efficiency filters. The type of filter you have will impact how often you need to replace it. Basic filters may need to be replaced more frequently, while high-efficiency filters may last longer.

  1. Indoor air quality

If you have pets, allergies, or live in an area with high levels of pollution, you may need to replace your filters more frequently. This is because these factors can increase the amount of dust, debris, and other particles in the air, which can clog the filters more quickly.

  1. System usage

If you use your HVAC system frequently, you may need to replace your filters more often. This is because the more the system runs, the more air it filters, which can cause the filters to become clogged more quickly.

So, why is it important to replace your filters regularly? Here are a few key reasons:

  1. Improved air quality

HVAC filters are designed to capture dust, dirt, pollen, and other particles from the air. If the filters are clogged, they may not be able to effectively capture these particles, leading to poor indoor air quality.

  1. Increased system efficiency

When the filters are clogged, it can put strain on the HVAC system and cause it to work harder to circulate air. This can decrease the system’s efficiency and increase energy bills.

  1. Extended system lifespan

Regularly replacing your filters can help extend the lifespan of your HVAC system by reducing strain and preventing unnecessary wear and tear.

In conclusion, replacing your HVAC filters every 1-3 months is a general guideline to not only protect the life of your HVAC unit, but to improve the air quality of your own home. As always, if you find that you’re still having issues out of your unit even after changing the filter, call a HVAC technician that can fix your unit or find you a quality HVAC unit within your budget.